Top tips for saving energy when using your washing machine

Energy bills are going up. A massive increase in the cost of wholesale gas has put pressure on the energy industry and homeowners will bear the costs. This is part of a what has been called a “cost of living crisis” and most of us are expecting 2022 to be a tough year, financially. There are, however, things we can do to mitigate the impending rise in gas and electricity.

One of the biggest energy-consumers in homes is the washing machine. Three factors that massively impact the cost of use are: frequency, wash temperature and load size. Newer model washing machines are likely to have a higher energy rating than older ones, making them less costly to run, but still; there are ways to further put a cap on expenditure. Check out these top tips:

Wash full loads: avoid half loads. Your washing machine will use the same amount of energy no matter how full it is, so washing full loads will mean that you will wash less frequently (and use less energy).

Wash on a lower temperature: lower temperatures use less energy. There has been increased awareness of the advantages of turning to 30 degrees, and if you can get by with a cold wash; do it!

Maintain your machine: to make sure that it is as efficient as possible. You can do this by not overloading the drum—if your wash is too full, water and detergent cannot circulate, the clothes will not move, and you will likely have to wash a second time anyway. Also clean out the machine’s filter every month and don’t forget to empty pockets so random bits don’t get stuck in the pump. A monthly service wash (hot, without clothes) is a good idea, too.

If you need a new machine: go for one that has a top energy rating. Washing machines are rated from A+++ (the most efficient) to D (the least efficient). An A+++ washing machine will be the cheapest-to-run, the most environment-friendly one among other washing machines.

The little things always matter, and do add up when it comes to bigger costs. Creating good washing habits will save you money in the long run.

For more detailed info on the energy increases, visit and visit for more top tips on how to save gas and electricity in your home.

For all your energy-related needs, contact the team at AACooper on 01689 485007 or